The 5 Erotic Blueprints help you level up as a lover by knowing yours and your partner’s turn ons & turn offs. 

The world renowned sexological bodyworker Miss Jaiya Ma has created an epic blueprint that increases your understanding of your lovers arousal patterns, their turn ons & turn offs, and amplifies creative ways to express yourself romantically and sexually so you can get out of the hum ho drum of sexual mundaneness. 

The best thing about finding out your blueprint is that you can learn how to read your lover’s responses better in a sexual setting and also develop new ways to please your lover in the way that THEY truly will enjoy it.We each have a certain percentage in all of them and some of that percentage can change over time depending on what stage of life we’re in and the experiences we have in our interpersonal relationships & personal development. 

The 5 erotic blueprints are: sexual, sensual, energetic, kinky, & shapeshifter.

What you need to know about the sexual blueprint: 

Pros – If you are sexual as your dominant blueprint, you will have no issues getting aroused, feeling turned on, and filled with passion with almost every lover. It’s never a dull moment with you. 😉 You love the adrenaline of risque encounters and also love getting straight to the point of scenarios where you come home and press your lover up against the wall kind of heat. 

Cons – The downsides or learning curves that this blueprint needs to embrace is to learn how to enjoy the journey of your sexual encounters. Instead of orgasm being the destination of your sexual experience, it will benefit you greatly to slow down and enjoy the ride leading up to orgasm so that you can expand your sexual horizon. 

What you need to know about the sensual blueprint: 

Pros – If you are a sensual dominant blueprint, then you’re ALL about the romance & creating an ambiance of sensational pleasure. You love all your senses being activated, where you light candles, vibe with the right mood of music, have the evening planned out so that your enjoyment isn’t interrupted and you get the most of your experience. 

Cons – The disadvantage about this blueprint is that you can easily get stuck in your head if there isn’t something that matches the flow of the evening. For example, if the environment is messy from children, or if the music changes to a tune that doesn’t match your mood, or if something occurs in your sexual dynamic with someone that you weren’t expecting it can easily take you out of the moment and is very difficult to get back into your body. 

What you need to know about the energetic blueprint: 

Pros – Energetics are extremely sensitive – some would even consider them psychic. Which is a positive because it means they have an easy time being multi orgasmic, and to the point where (with the right lover) can have an orgasm (energetic or otherwise) with only receiving breath on their body or not even being touched at all. They love the tease, the energy play before and during a sexual encounter as it activates a certain kind of heightened state of arousal and turn on for them. 

Cons – The one thing you need to know about energetic dominant blueprints is that they sometimes need to pace themselves so that they don’t get too overwhelmed. Most likely these blueprints are highly sensitive individuals, so if they encounter someone who’s erotic blueprint likes to rush into things, they may start to shut down because they find safety in the slowness. 

What you need to know about the kinky blueprint:

Pros – Much like the sensual blueprint, your drive is all in the sensational experience. If you’re a kinky blueprint, you will have no issues exploring the wide range of sexual expression that many of society thinks of taboo – which is an advantage and a superpower for you because you find it easy to play on the side of fantasy & power play, making you a explorative and creative lover. You can often find pleasure in the edge of extreme and dynamic erotic expression and go to depths of sensational experiences that many others find challenging. 

Cons – The learning curve and sometimes disadvantage about this blueprint is that many kinky individuals find it challenging to feel accepted and safe in their erotic expression, primarily because a majority of society doesn’t embrace what would be labeled as “weird or taboo” – so many of you might be in the closet about your kinky nature. Your journey will be based on creating enough safety & self acceptance within your own nervous system that you feel more comfortable embracing your true self with others. 

What you need to know about the shapeshifter blueprint: 

Pros – The shapeshifter blueprint is masterful at being able to play & explore all the other blueprints. They have and derive pleasure in all the expressions of pleasure and sexual expression – so all in all you are an exceptional lover to many. Need I say more? 

Cons – The disadvantage about this blueprint is that often they are so skilled at dancing in the realm of all sexual expression that they can meet their lovers wherever they’re at, but most of the time they themselves do not fully feel met by their lovers because there aren’t very many shapeshifters that can dive as deep as they do. 

What do you think your dominant blueprint is?

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