The Difference Between a Mediocre & All time Epic Pussy Massage

You might think it’s all about the technique and LET ME TELL YOU, it is NOT all about technique. It is about INTENTION & PRESENCE. 

To begin a pussy massage, you’ll begin in a place that might surprise you…which is your INTENTION. Intention is the core of all the best practices. Beginning every practice with intention creates the ambiance to enter into deep transcendental states of consciousness and also helps your lover to trust their body with yours. 

The reason why this is the case, is because pleasure arises when someone feels continuous levels of safety in your presence. Without the feeling of safety, the nervous system won’t feel relaxed enough to allow pleasure to flow with ease. 

Being intentional as to WHY you are doing pussy massage, but also COMMUNICATING that WHY to your partner/lover can immensely build trust not only physically, but also mentally, emotionally, & energetically. 

There’s nothing more sexy than having a lover tell me that they want to take their slow time getting to know all my pleasure spots; that they want to love up on my pussy for more than 5 or 10 minutes and just simply offer me touch that nourishes me in this moment without any expectations of needing to orgasm. 

Mmmmmm, yes, believe me when I tell you that when women encounter a lover who takes their time with her body, she will brag to all her friends on how amazing you are. 

It’s more common than not that I experience men that will literally and roughly touch my clitoris for 1 minute and then they think that it covers enough grounds to penetrate 😐 

Let’s change this, shall we? 

Check out my Art of Pussy Massage Course here!

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